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Manuscript Wishlist

I am actively searching for writers who identify as being part of marginalized communities. 


My list is fairly broad at the moment.  I am looking for narrative-driven books. I am drawn to popular cultural topics (music, fashion, biography, science, history) with an academic approach. I especially love projects that engage with current social issues, ones that address the origins of cultural values, especially in matters of race, gender and sexuality, religion, and language. In particular, I am interested in works that challenge long-held cultural narratives. I am always on the search for books that call into question cultural myths or the continuity of ideas.


I want to read works that make me view an old concept in a new way. More recently, I find myself being drawn strongly to narratives about people who have caused a positive impact or left a positive legacy in the world or their community. 


My fiction is also a bit all over the place. I have a strong interest in speculative fiction, especially when those stories don't feel the need to explain the "why" of the speculative elements. Favorite recent reads in this vein would be Nothing to See Here and Piranesi, which explore difficult topics through an ethical (i.e. how they relate to those around them) lens.


I also love mystery and thriller with main characters who simply find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm also hoping to add some thought-provoking upmarket horror to my list. I am also a huge fan of genre-bending stories that have upmarket or literary elements to the writing.

I love encountering new, vibrant worlds that feel like they extend beyond the borders of the page without detracting from the central narrative. I am drawn into a story by parent/child relationships (especially with adult children or non-traditional families), themes of reconciliation and redemption, strong non-romance relationships (especially where you would expect romance), and misunderstood rivals. Really, I am taken in by deeply ethical stories; i.e. stories that foreground how characters relate to one another and how those connections situate them in their world. Also heists... I want to read all the heists. 

What not to send me

While I love reading YA, I do not represent it. I would love to include it in my list, but I don't have infinite free time, and there are other agents who will be much better champions of your YA works. (This also includes NA and MG.)

Scripts, poetry collections, and cookbooks. I think they're each wonderful forms of writing, but I would have no idea what to do with them.

Stories centered around sexual violence. I will very seldom respond favorably to stories that incorporate rape or sexual assault into narratives, especially if those sorts of inclusions are simply meant to "heighten the stakes" or show how villainous an individual is. 

Fiction that employs violence against women characters for the sake of moving a plot or to propel male character arcs. (Looking at you, Wheel of Time adaptation.)

Fiction that tokenizes marginalized characters. 

Nonfiction that sides with neo-conservative or alt-right viewpoints. 

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